Vision of BMCC-: Life, Faith, Peace/Vie, Foi, Paix

LIFE-: “Save Life”/VIE à « sauver la vie »

(1) Sacrifice for Patient/Sacrifice pour le patient

(2) Work for the Poor/ Travailler pour les pauvres

(3) Value Life/ Valoriser la vie

FAITH -: “Love for God” /“Amour de Dieu”

(1)Worship to God/ Adorer Dieu

(2) Walking along Jesus’s Way/Marcher sur le chemin de Jésus

(3)Sacrifice for Neighbor/Sacrifice pour le prochain

PEACE-: Peace Maker/“PAIX-:Faiseur de paix


(2)Do not fight with Others/Ne vous battez pas avec les autres

(3)Work for the Little/Travailler pour les marginaliser

Goals-: BMCC try to educate the students based on Christianity, to be a servant of God through medical experts, technical engineers, and industrial expertise./Objectifs-: BMCC essaie d’éduquer l’étudiant sur la base du Christianisme, d’être un serviteur de Dieu à travers des experts médicaux, des ingénieurs techniques et une expertise industrielle.

Mission of BMCC-: BMCC is committed to educating medical, technical, and industrial experts to become competent professionals who is based on Christian faith into the changing world./BMCC s’engage à former des experts médicaux, techniques et industriels pour qu’ils deviennent des professionnels compétents basés sur la foi chrétienne dans un monde en évolution.


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The vision of the School of Nursing is to equip student leaders with professional nursing knowledge and skills, a compassionate and caring heart, and a Christian worldview in order to promote self-actualization as they practice in a multicultural and global society.


Mission Statement

The School of Nursing is committed to educating adult learners to become competent nursing professionals who integrate their Christian faith into the nursing practice.



  1. Create learning opportunities that foster and promote a spirit of inquiry and critical thinking in all students while promoting a culture of lifelong learning and self-actualization in students.
  2. Present a curriculum that achieves a balance between theoretical and applied nursing knowledge as a professional nurse in a multicultural and global society.
  3. Provide compassionate nursing care to clients from diverse backgrounds in a multi-cultural society, while paying close attention to the underserved who present with special needs.
  4. Provide opportunities for the students to develop their own personal philosophy of nursing, based on a sound scientific and theoretical foundation, and adding to individual professional nursing practice.